Did you know that beetroot actually has beneficial effects on the human body? It contains B and C vitamins, minerals such as iron, potassium, calcium and magnesium. Thanks to this, it helps to detoxify the body, supports the activity of the heart and blood vessels, and has anti-inflammatory effects. When you combine it with apple, carrot and lime, you get a real vitamin bomb! The Orava OS-112 juicer will help you with its preparation.
Ingredients (2 servings):
2 fresh beets, 1 apple, 2 carrots, 2 tbsp honey, juice of ½ lemon, juice of ½ lime, water for dilution
How to do it:
- Wash and peel all the ingredients.
- Remove the core from the apple and cut it into quarters.
- Gradually juice all the ingredients in a high-performance juicer, for example in our Orava OS-112.
- If the drink is too concentrated, dilute it with 1-2 dcl of water.
- Season the drink with honey, lemon and lime juice.
Source of recipe and photo: recepty.aktuality.sk