
Spring cleaning - how to do it?

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Very few people enjoy cleaning. Especially when it comes to spring cleaning, which should be really thorough. After all, the arrival of spring is a new beginning, and it should start with a clean slate, not with a mess in every room of your home.

The first sunny days offer the de facto first chance to rid the apartment of the remnants of winter darkness and cold, when it was often not possible to ventilate properly. The advantage, however, was that they did not get into the eyes of the clouds of dust playing chase in the hall. However, nothing like this can happen to an experienced housewife. He knows very well that a kind word and positive motivation can work wonders. The council will use first-rate flattery, promises and bribes against the other members of the household.

The resulting effect is usually worth it. In contrast to the mass flight from the head of the household, regardless of gender, under the clear pretext that no one must be in the way during cleaning and, moreover, sufficient time and space are needed. Joint family cleaning, on the other hand, can create a unique atmosphere of family activity, teamwork and the promise of a personal premiere of unknown experiences.

Cleaning can also mean unforgettable experiences

Over time, most of them will become routine, regularly performed activities of individual household members. Nevertheless, the first meeting with a vacuum cleaner, dusting the carpets in front of the house, cleaning a bulky aquarium, unpacking the car after a holiday trip or convincing the dachshund that the dog bath really does not bite, may not belong to the formative experiences of a child's soul, but as pleasant memories of a contented childhood they will certainly remain forever .

The involvement of the whole family, the reasonable division of work and its clearly visible results can light up the whole house with a positive atmosphere and help create that unique spirit that every functional and functioning family should regularly take care of and maintain. Of course, mandatory family cleaning can function similarly to, for example, a vacation in the form of a catalyst for hidden or bubbling conflicts under the surface.

However, if family relationships are healthy, joint activities can help their quality and improvement. After all, we all know that a well-managed conflict can, at the right time, clear the air and solve even long-unsolved problems. The key, however, is to limit the conflict, to end it with dignity and reconciliation, and not to be "down on yourself" for another three days, even though the conflict and its course have long since subsided.

How to start spring cleaning

A good plan is half the success, and especially when cleaning, its correct timing, functional phasing and elimination of mutual collisions are key. Its correct execution resembles a combination of the plan for the Battle of Marengo, the logistical securing of the Berlin airlift and Columbus' detour to the West Indies.

It is far from enough that individual activities follow each other as logically as possible, the exact sequence must also apply to their implementation in specific rooms, starting with the rooms on the first floor, if you live in a house. A good practice is to start from the kitchen, proceed through the corridor or hall to the individual rooms and finish in the bathroom by collecting curtains and other fabrics and textiles. Of course, all fabrics must be thoroughly washed and dried so that they last a long time beautifully fragrant and clean, especially if you follow the instructions in the manual exactly.

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A different form of cleaning plan is necessary in the case of an apartment. The priorities of the direction of cleaning efforts should go from the cleanest rooms, such as the bedroom and living room, to the more frequently used, and therefore logically more polluted. A typical example is the kitchen, hallway or hall, where the procedure is basically the same as for regular cleaning. In both cases, the classic principle of cleaners applies, namely to proceed from top to bottom.

Sušičky a pračky

After all, no one wants to sweep, clean and re-align their favorite shelves, then set the table and prepare the obligatory refreshments, only to remember at that moment the need to vacuum the corners of the ceiling of a room full of cobwebs and to wipe the drifts of dust from the chandelier, surprisingly located directly above dining table. It is precisely such details that ultimately create the final victory, and especially when involving smaller and more lively children, it is necessary to place enormous emphasis on clearly defined procedures and to carefully guard their observance. This will at least avoid unnecessary misunderstandings.

The washing machine is usually the first to enjoy spring cleaning. In order to get other family members involved in cleaning, there is a wide range of all kinds of activities to choose from. First, it is necessary to remove all the cobwebs from all possible corners and carefully wash the windows, including the frames, curtains and blinds, so that the washed curtains do not receive a shock immediately after being hung from the line to dry.

A typically responsible activity is vacuuming, be it all carpets, sofas or other pieces of upholstered furniture or, conversely, hard-to-reach places. Many interesting activities can be devised even for the smallest members of the household, for example, explaining to them clearly what cleaning means for the eye, when they themselves try to get rid of just a few crumbs from the table with the help of a hand vacuum cleaner, without having to clear the table due to their short-term existence all service, ready for a celebratory lunch for brave cleaners and cleaners. The household provides many opportunities, how thanks to electrical helpers you can save not only strenuous work, but also a lot of time. Plus, they can often be fun to use.

Proper vacuuming with the VOLCANO vacuum cleaner

Let's take a moment to focus on one specific, highly practical piece. This is an extra powerful and extremely quiet vacuum cleaner, which can create that rare moment from every vacuuming, when you won't have to repeat any stroke on the carpet. You will finally understand the true essence of male vacuuming and believe me, the praise cannot pass you by. Moreover, considering the effort expended, it usually pays off.

The Volcano vacuum cleaner has an action radius up to nine meters wide. A vacuuming floor, joint, round brush, parquet and turbo floor nozzle is a matter of course. Working with such a vacuum cleaner is a joy for both father and offspring, who can tell each other that this is what real "boy's work" looked like years ago

Freedom and fraternity are also good for vacuuming

There is no shortage of situations when you can get angry quickly during cleaning. However, one is extremely annoying. You don't even want to remember how you couldn't reach places with a handheld vacuum cleaner during vacuuming, because of which it makes no sense to go to the chamber for a large vacuum cleaner, fold it and then disassemble it, clean it and put it in its place. For handheld vacuum cleaners, there are ideal places where you only need to bend down a little, reach the corner with the head and thus manage most of the vacuuming with the help of a lighter tool. Especially when you only need to use one hand while the other can dust your wife's beloved collection of porcelain bulldogs inherited from your grandmother.

With the help of a handheld vacuum cleaner, you vacuum up a few small things and put the vacuum cleaner away, usually in a place where it is readily available. Also, don't forget that you can do without changing the bags or washing the entire device with a shower in the bathtub.

Luxování bytu

In addition to adults, hand vacuum cleaners are often loved by our dear children as well. They can easily work with them, and after a short performance they can watch with an ironic smile the father, how he kills himself with a really big vacuum cleaner, vacuuming a real mess. With hand vacuum cleaners, there are essentially no restrictions regarding capacity, durability or maintenance, and a stick vacuum cleaner 2 in 1 is clearly an excellent choice. Children will help you with cleaning the council, but you have to give it to them as fun and not as a necessary evil.

Try it with Foglar!

Every parent knows that all children would most like to devote themselves to exactly what the adults are "entertaining" at that very moment. Of course, with the same tools and the same material, so that they can look as important as how much they help dad. However, the road to hell is paved with good intentions, and the result usually differs significantly from the outlined ideal. Descendants get tangled under your feet almost continuously, until instead of cleaning you start to wonder which of them will get hurt first and what kind of strange accident it will be.

It is not an easy task to watch over the rambunctious children while you try to engage in productive activities. In addition, children have sharp heads and observant eyes, so they almost always get where they want, that is, anywhere. To introduce at least a certain degree of discipline, it is enough to mention the classics and introduce Foglar's beavers (I do not mean the Boys from Beaver River, but the performance of various, generally beneficial deeds, such as the obligation to remain silent for 24 hours).

There is probably no reason to start from the very beginning of the family cleaning with such an extreme measure, but try to suggest to the children, for example, to get a beaver for washed shoes, cleaning out unused clothes in the closet or washing grandfather's suspenders with deer soap. Whoever sees a web on the horizon will also get a point, and whoever finds long-lost banknotes among the pages of specialist books in his grandfather's library can even have an extra dessert after lunch.

Bezdrátový vysavač Orava

With gradual, more refined fulfillment, the goal of our efforts is unstoppably approaching, the fulfillment of the final beaver for cleaning, that is, the dream of every boy and girl! The dimensions of the already mentioned vacuum cleaner fit perfectly even in a small palm, and believe me, even a child's hand can do great things with it. That is, unless dad takes this new toy from them after his back hurts from cleaning the garage, or even mom trying to clean up leftovers after making lunch. The light, powerful Acuvac vacuum cleaner is loved by literally the whole family, not only for removing crumbs at home, but also in the car.