
How to choose a fruit dryer when the harvest is here!

The holidays have mercilessly turned into their second half, and the memory of school desks can only be banished by forests and meadows full of berries and trees laden with sweet fruit. But what if there is simply no more room in the mug or in the stomach? Just bring the harvest home and rely on modern technology!

 Dried fruits, vegetables and mushrooms are healthy and nutritionally valuable raw materials.

In addition to forest fruits and fruit trees, there is one more natural product that is inextricably linked with domestic forests, meadows and their visitors, the collection and consumption of which Czechs and Slovaks regularly rank at the top of the world rankings. It is mushroom picking, which is not only about finding something nice to eat, but also a passion and a hobby.

The holidays have mercilessly turned into their second half, and the memory of school desks can only be banished by forests and meadows full of berries and trees laden with sweet fruit. But what if there is simply no more room in the mug or in the stomach? Just bring the harvest home and rely on modern technology!

 Dried fruits, vegetables and mushrooms are healthy and nutritionally valuable raw materials.

In addition to forest fruits and fruit trees, there is one more natural product that is inextricably linked with domestic forests, meadows and their visitors, the collection and consumption of which Czechs and Slovaks regularly rank at the top of the world rankings. It is mushroom picking, which is not only about finding something nice to eat, but also a passion and a hobby.

When the whole family loves mushrooms´ harvest

Mushroom trips are often a family affair. We even knew a Belgian shepherd who watched the objects of his master's sudden interest for a while and then went to bed out of jealousy. He usually guided us to big non-worm catches that were definitely worth it. So much for harvesting, after returning from the forest, the second round will begin at home, which is usually attended by deserving mothers and grandmothers - either with their strong hand, or at least with stimulating advice.

 Mushroom picking is a joy. Many times the whole family competes for the biggest mushroom.


Even the smallest children and their fathers willingly participate in the processing and cleaning of mushrooms, sitting comfortably at the table and carefully preparing a newspaper, in which they read year-old news with one eye. A moment! Who would want to cover their apartment with newspapers that no one reads or buys? Sprinkle them with cut pieces of mushrooms that will dry for a whole week, when the probability of insects or mold getting into them increases every day? Aren't mushrooms by chance characterized by a rather strong aroma, which may not be to everyone's taste?

The end of old times

It seems that the family idyll of picking and drying mushrooms outlined above will only be seen on the pages of children's books and in movies for memorials. After all, our parents already used the kitchen oven to dry mushrooms and other crops more efficiently. It is usually necessary to start with mushrooms at a lower temperature of around 40 °C - this prevents their possible steaming. After a while, you can increase the temperature to 50 °C and heat the final sprint up to 70 °C. The whole process takes at least six hours, and the condition of the mushrooms must be checked regularly while they are being turned over.

Orava: fruit, vegetable and mushroom dryer has 10 grids

An ideal alternative to these pre-flood methods is the Orava SU-105 food dryer. This gentle procedure preserves a large number of vitamins, minerals, trace elements and fiber in dried pieces of fruit, vegetables, herbs or popular mushrooms, without the use of any chemicals or preservatives. In addition to mushrooms, you can also prepare tasty fruit or vegetable canapés in the comfort of your own home in unique organic quality.

Would you like soup, stew or salad?

The entire procedure is reversible. If you soak the dried pieces back in water, you will get a healthy basis for preparing excellent sauces and real specialties such as goulash or mushroom sauce, healthy salads and nutritious soups, even in the middle of a particularly cold winter. Controlling the dryer is simple, you only need one button, supplemented by the possibility of regulating the temperature of the flowing air even during operation from 40 to 70 °C.


 Goodies made from mushrooms are very popular and there are not countless of them. What about goulash or mushroom salad?

You can check the desired setting on a sufficiently large and clear LCD display. You can layer chopped pieces of apples, bananas, citrus fruits, carrots, herbs or hand-picked mushrooms on a total of up to ten hygienic grids that are included in the package. An input of 350 watts ensures sufficient performance for the dryer. Those interested in more extensive knowledge in the field of food drying will appreciate the stimulating advice and practical recipe in the manual, presenting new possibilities of using dried vegetables and fruits in your kitchen.

Has the bakery made you jam yet?

However, we are far from finished with practical tips for the kitchen! Home bakeries are gradually becoming standard equipment in our homes, rejecting pre-baked pastries from local supermarkets. The Orava Breadchef home bakery can conjure up not only gourmet bread and pastries, but it is also excellent for baking cakes, such as muffins, but also for canning or preparing fruit marmalade. 


Domáca pekáreň Orava urobí džem na automatický program.

You can find more practical advice and tips in the attached manual, with the help of which you can become a real boss not only when baking bread and other homemade pastries, but also many other, even exotic delicacies. When baking, you can choose from three sizes of loaves of bread, and it's up to your imagination what ingredients you use in addition to the basic ones - seeds, herbs, nuts, sun-dried tomatoes, etc. The bakery can mix the dough, prepare the yeast, carefully mix the individual ingredients and, thanks to the delayed start function, bake from them perfectly timed goodies, which you will sit down to with relish exactly when you are hungry. And really, nothing can beat the morning smell of homemade bread!