
Great helpers on your way to a slim line, tip-top fitness, and stronger immunity.


Nový rok s novým telom

Did you, with the arrival of the new year decided to exercise reguraly and started to check your weight?, After Christmas, when  we were feasting on delicious food, now we see the reality.How did you move forward with this resolution? Have you started  exercising already or are you indecisively at the beginning of the journey?

Start moving regularly and check the number of calories you receive - that's no nuclear physics! All you have to do is to have the right helpers to support you and see how you are progressing towards a slimmer line and better fitness. We mean not only your partner, family and friends, but also the handy tech innovations in audio, healthy lifestyle and kitchen gadgets.

Set your goals

First of all, it is necessary to have a real goal. For example: I will loose 5 kg by the beginning of spring! I'll start with a power yoga class, or walk at least 10,000 steps every day, or go swimming twice a week! The range of physical activities is diverse - some people prefer team sports, others prefers to exercise fitness sets according to youtube videos in the comfort of home, someone finds a sparring partner,  others hire a personal trainer.

Whether you choose running, swimming, fitness, dancing, yoga, walking or outdoor hiking, don't forget this four helpers on your way to the slim line:

1. High quality personal scale

It will reliably inform you as you progress in losing weight. Our favorite is the personal scale with the Bluetooth Orava EV-500 BT, thanks to which you have "under your thumb" not only the weight, but also more detailed statistics such as BMI, body fat, muscle and water in the body . Thanks to Bluetooth technology, you can easily pair it with your smartphone, so you can view the data not only on the LCD display of the scale, but also in your mobile, where you can also statistically evaluate the data in SensunnHealth app.

Kvalitná váha s funkciou Bluetooth

2. Mp3 player in your pocket

Music is a powerful motivating factor and can literally excite you to move! Therefore, you can buy a quality mp3/mp4 player for sports, into which you will put your favorite songs! Our favorite is the Orava MX-16G with a practical shoulder strap, which even in adrenaline sports does not jump in your pocket and whose headphones fit well in your ears and do not fall out.

Mp3 prehrávač Orava MX-16G

3.Digital scale with great database

It's not enough to just move - you should also be careful about what ends up on your plate. It is pretty clear that sweets should be forgotten and instead of sour baked goods and pasta,  try  picking fruits and vegetables. The Orava EV-8 A nutritional calculator, which calculates the amount of calories, fats, sugars, carbohydrates, proteins and more, will help you measure the number of calories received in the weighed food. It has an integrated database of up to 999 food energy values.

Nutričná váha Orava EV-8A

4.Vitamins? With the help of a smoothie blender

Celebrate successful training - toast to health, better fitness and stronger immunity. Treat yourself to a vitamin bomb in the form of a delicious and healthly smoothie! All you have to do is have a handy smoothie mixer at home - whether it's a high-end, high performance motorized blender, or a smaller smoothie blender with convenient containers to carry ready-to-drink smoothie on the road or to the fitness center. 

Doprajte si vitamínovú bombu.