Five changes that Dry February tries on us
Five changes that Dry February tries on us
To go or not to go - to one? That's the question! February itself offers a rather dry answer: No way! Try the pleasures of abstinence for at least four weeks... After all, there are those among us who cherish a similar pastime all year round!
Slovaks have long occupied the leading ranks in the ranking of average alcohol consumed per capita, including infants. Statistics for the year 2022 show that every Slovak over the age of 15 drinks more than 10 litres of alcohol per year, of which 50% are spirits, 30% beer and 20% wine. Based on a survey by the pharmaceutical group Pilulka and the research agency Behiavio, up to 14% of Slovakia's population is on the verge of problem drinking, which leads to alcohol addiction. Alcohol is a scourge of humanity. In addition to visible effects such as the breakdown of relationships and personalities, violence or poverty, there are also more subtle difficulties such as mood swings and sleep problems. Its quality is often the reason why people reach for alcohol. Dry February is also intended for them, which can indicate to risky drinkers whether they already have a serious problem with alcohol.
Alcohol and its effect on physical health
Addiction and a particular substance affect each individual very differently. There are people among us who go to the pub for a couple of beers de facto every day, but they are not alcoholics. On the other hand, probably every one of us knows an alcoholic who gets drunk "only" once in a while, but his drinking fulfils at least three of the six signs of addiction.
The health consequences of excessive drinking include chronic liver damage, disrupted metabolic and other cycles, unpleasant inflammation of the stomach or extremely dangerous threats to the pancreas. Alcoholics also have a much worse and longer healing time for any injury, they suffer from weakened immunity and, by default, heart or blood vessel diseases.
Every addictologist (one who deals with the prevention of addictions) knows that in addition to a negative prohibition, it is also necessary to portray a beautiful and functioning future to the client, full of meaningful activities. Limiting alcohol should be complemented by regular exercise, a high-quality diet and active rest.
A healthy mind in a healthy body
Apart from swimming, the healthiest movement is classic walking. The current "winter" provides enough opportunities to go to and from work on foot. Perhaps you could also remember the New Year's resolution and find a card to gyms. In addition, the restriction of drinking has an effect on your body weight, which would certainly be appropriate to monitor using, for example, a personal digital scale.
Relaxation and massages
Mental well-being does not need to be induced only by artificial means, for example ethanol. Imagine a successful massage, a jacuzzi in almost hot water or a sauna after playing volleyball with colleagues. When you take care of your body, it will not let you down. Just like classic massages, the massager relaxes your muscles, improves blood circulation and forces you to experience undisturbed satori for a while.
Plenty of fibre and vitamins in vegetable and fruit juices
The basis of any effort to change is lifestyle modification. A balanced diet with the right ratio of proteins, carbohydrates and fats naturally complements the transition to swimwear. Fruit and vegetable juices provide enough fibre. Our powerful fruit and vegetable juicer will easily handle your shaking ritual, thanks to which you don't have to buy expensive juices and fruit juices. And how much money you will save thanks to your abstinence!
Make your work in the kitchen easier
Not only a healthy diet keeps a person alive, and spring trips with children are a ready-made black hole for energetically nutritious delicacies. Desserts are an ideal option for supplementing the necessary carbohydrates. Whipping, mixing and kneading is a great aerobic physical workout, but you can make it easier with a multi-functional food processor that does most of the work for you.
Don't forget to rest
A clear head will allow you to appreciate your free time much more. However, quality sleep is a necessary condition. Sufficient sleep hygiene is usually a sufficient guarantee of healthy sleep, when you wake up refreshed and rested. Don't underestimate rest even during the day, for example, try to take short breaks before demanding work duties.
Follow a suitable drinking regime, we mean, of course, water and non-alcoholic tools. And don't forget to turn off your head for a while. For example, in a hot bath, on the couch with hot tea or looking out the window. If the thought of a glass of good juice still occurs to you while looking outside, we recommend that you go back to point 1 and go for a healthy walk.