Easter - an egg in the lead role.
If I throw it , it's white, when it falls, it's yellow. What is it? Maybe you remember this child's puzzle. Yes, it's an egg! But why would we throw it away when it is so tasty, healthy and offers so many culinary options? For Easter, some nations include eggs in their traditions, some hide them to look for them in the garden ... We Slovaks, however, treat the egg with all due respect: we give magical-decorated Easter eggs and eggs in various ways from spreads to salty egg terrines to eggs whipped in cakes and mayonnaise, we offer Easter feast as a delicacy. So let's take a look at the egg under the shell!
Loaded with proteins, vitamins, extra nutritious, with a minimum of fat
The white-yellow miracle contains many proteins well digested by the body and several essential nutrients that contribute to the healthy functioning of the body. Vitamin D, A, vitamin B12, selenium, folate, zinc, calcium, potassium, lutein, iron - all of this gets into your body when you eat your egg. The nutritional value of an egg for the organism is comparable only to milk.! About half of the animal protein is contained in the yolk. Although there has been concern in the past that just the yellow part of the egg contains too much cholesterol to clog blood vessels, this is not true. Researchers have found that egg cholesterol does not affect blood cholesterol to a large extent, and therefore eggs are not one of the major causes of cardiovascular disease. Conversely, consumption of egg yolk has been shown to be a good prevention against loss of vision at an older age (due to the high lutein content). Egg white is a favorite food of all who want to lose weight or do sports. It has a minimum of fats, but a fairly high proportion of proteins. In addition, even a smaller egg fed well, so if we eat breakfast prepared from eggs (soft-boiled egg, omelette, roast), then we have less need to eat calories during the day.
You don't have to worry about cooking eggs - Orava Piep Ei helps!
It turns out that the most beneficial egg preparation is boiling in water. Of the three versions - soft, medium and hard - the soft variant is the most suitable for the body. White is cooked, so the body can use up to 94% of protein, the yolk is almost raw, which retains most of the vitamins and antioxidants, which are otherwise lost during cooking on oil (roast, omelette, etc.). But how do you whn the egg is ready? Use a handy kitchen help - a wise egg, an Orava Peip Ei! It operates on the basis of a temperature model, so error is ruled out. The song will tell you the egg boiling status. Killing me softly warns eggs softly, German beater Ich wollt´ich war´ein Huhn informs them when they are medium, and Carmina Burana roars when the eggs are hard.
Egg hits
In the kitchen, the egg has settled for good and it is certain that it is not so easy to roll out of the spot! In addition to dishes prepared from eggs such as egg spread, , omelette, fried egg it is perfectly suited to vegetable salads, tastes great in combination with tuna, and is an irreplaceable ingredient without which we would hardly cook certain foods. You know it for yourself: you are going to make pancakes - everything is ready, only the egg is missing, disaster! How many times has a neighbor knocked on the door of a neighbor asking, "Do you have to borrow one egg, please?" ? How would we fry cuttings or cauliflower? Eggs simply need to be kept in the refrigerator!
Easter star on the plate
The egg is an icon of Easter. It symbolizes a new beginning, the birth. Moreover, its beautiful yellow color reminds the sun, which after a long, gloomy winter shines again and pleases people. On the festive Easter table, therefore, the egg stars in different forms. Not only for its taste, but also for the eye and with a little fantasy can easily arrange into attractive compositions on an Easter tray. Super looks and tastes like canapes in the form of chickens seated on the leaves of vegetable salads, delicately filled with eggs (whether inside is an egg or avocado stuffing, disappear from the table!) chopped egg and sterilized vegetables, egg thrones also in meatballs, meat-egg terrine, and perhaps is notmissing in any Easter cake!
Try these two Easter egg recipes with us!
Stuffed Easter eggsYou will appreciate the Orava RM-301 hand blender when preparing them Ingredients:7 eggs, 1 piece of processed cheese , 125 g butter, 1spoon of mustard, Procedure:Boil the eggs , cut in half and carefully remove the cooked egg yolks and |
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Egg brawn with vegetables from MoravankaIngredients:1 cup vegetable mix (eg Moravanka), 20 dkg ham, pickles, Procedure:Drain Moravanka. Fill the infusion to 2 dcl with water, pour |
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Source of photos: Depositphotos.com